Almost everyone who starts a new website for the first time asks themselves this question: How long does it take to drive traffic to your website? When my blog clicks will increase? A new blog is launched every day online these days, but how long exactly does it take for a new blog to increase its organic clicks to start seeing traffic? Some new bloggers may naively start a new website, thinking they will get traffic right away, but unfortunately, there are login barriers and so the search engines don’t work when they site the new series. Maybe you’re new to blogging and want to accelerate your growth, or you’ve been blogging for a while but want to get more page views through clicks. There are many great blogs out there, some with similar content to your own, so standing out from the crowd will require you to work a little more creatively than most. Read on for some quick tips to boost your blog clicks.

1. Boost important posts with internal links

Internal navigation is a link from one page to another within the same domain. And adding internal links to related, powerful pages in addition to those pages that need power can help improve their performance in search engines. Internal links allow search engines to identify what content on your site is relevant and determine its value. There are four types of internal layouts you should be aware of which are navigation, navigation links, footprints, and portrait layouts. The more links a valuable page gets, the more important it will seem to search engines. You want to add internal links to all your pages. But don’t be afraid to add 1-2 internal links at the top of your page if possible. If you want to send PageRank to your area via an internal link, you need to use simple dofollow links. Make sure to Use a relevant, informative anchor text according to your topic. Make sure your internal link adds value to users. Monitor the health of your connection on simple bases.

2. Build Backlinks

Backlinks are an important Google ranking factor. So how do you get more links to your site? You have to build them up. There are tons of link-building strategies around, but one that we’ve used in the past is guest blogging. A website should have 35 to 45 backlinks to the homepage and 0 to 100 backlinks to each individual web page to be competitive for SEO. However, the PageRank score of those backlinks is important because the higher their value, the fewer links are needed to increase overall rankings. The number of backlinks needed increases faster than the difficulty ranking. For example, if a keyword has a difficulty of 20 you might need about 20 backlinks to rank. But if it has a difficulty of 50 you might need 100 backlinks to rank. Guest blogging is when you write a post for another blog. When that happens, there are usually plenty of opportunities for you to link back to your own blog posts.

There are several websites that provide free backlinks facilities for adding your website to any post or page link in their websites like SEO Wagon, h-supertools, and many more. There are some paid websites that also provide the facility to add backlinks to their website. These websites have high domain authority which will quickly rank your posts or website on google ranking.

3. Email Traffic Generation

Email marketing is part of a company’s digital marketing strategy, businesses send marketing messages to a specific list of customers and subscribers. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into customers and turn one-time customers into loyal network advocates. It’s a targeted, simple and effective way to get in front of your customers. If you don’t know, how do I start email marketing? then read that article that has simple steps to start effective email marketing. Different content can be created to achieve different goals: coupons and giveaway emails can attract customers to your store, emails highlighting blog content can drive them to your website, and information on customer contact can help you understand your audience better. The reason is simple: With email, you can communicate with your followers at any time. Some platforms, such as Facebook, may intentionally limit your access or remove you from their platform. Making a list is not difficult. As you can see, we only provide weekly updates of all our content. If people enjoy what they read on our blog, they will want more from you.

4. Run Google and Social Media Ads

The most direct way to get more traffic to your blog is simply to run ads. Pay for a platform, and you’ll get traffic almost instantly. You might think that why social media ads are important for everyone in this digital world. Social media advertising can help you reach a new, hyper-specific audience for a fairly low investment. Organic reach can only get you so far, and spending some cold hard cash can help your content receive the attention it deserves. Social ads let you target your ideal audience based on their behaviors, interests, demographics, and more. You can tweak variables and experiment to see what gets you the most action even if you only have a small amount to spend.

In some cases, you might think about which is the best social media platform for your business. Determining the best social media to advertise on generally depends on which platform you have spent the most money on. However, all things being equal, the best platform to find success is probably Facebook. With more than two billion daily active users and a wide variety of ad options available, the opportunities are many. Facebook isn’t the only platform you can run ads on. Quora, Twitter, or LinkedIn can also work. Find a platform where your audience is, keep your clicks cheap, and you’re ready to go.

5. Click-worthy headlines

A healthy and valuable headline will increase user interest to click on your posts. The difference between someone clicking and reading your post versus just skipping it is your headline. Your headline must grab their attention and compel them to click. How do you create such a topic? If you agree with the search intent, then the foundation of your topic is almost set. For example, if you’re targeting the topic “best painting tools,” it’s likely that your topic will include things like a specific number and year.

But that in itself is still not compelling. In addition, you can see from the SERPs that every site uses almost the same title. So, you still need to be independent. Otherwise, you will not be able to click.

6. Use Long-tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword is a phrase that is usually made up of three to five words. Because these keywords are more specific than general terms, they allow you to target a specific demographic. These keywords are also less competitive than keywords because they are designed to better reflect the way people are asking. There are many keyword tools available in the market but google autosuggest tool is best for finding long tail keywords. Create a spreadsheet when you start doing keyword research. In the same column, enter the URL. In one, add a related keyword phrase.

You will be good to continue with the sound and competition, but do not forget about creating a certain meaning. This is where long-tail keywords work best. Great for mid and low-end users who are on the way to conversion. For example, “Automotive” is popular, no doubt. But it is also very common and vague. There are probably too many people looking for it, most of whom have no interest in buying what you have. Now compare that to “exercise can make you smarter.” It receives only a fraction of the overall search.

7. Create Blog SEO-Friendly

Take the time to make your content SEO friendly. Using even the most basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies will help increase your search rankings and blog traffic. Go through your post images and headlines to make sure the posts are optimized for SEO. Check out my post, SEO for Blog Posts for a full breakdown. Make sure your images must have included alt tag related to your post, a healthy description includes in your post which quite relates to your content, and H1, H2, and H3 headings must include in your single page.

One of the biggest on-page improvements you can make is to focus on keywords. Think of a list of keywords related to your specialty that you would like to be known for then take those keywords and plug them into a keyword research tool KWFinder and Moz Keyword Explorer are two good options that will let you search for free. When you do this, these tools will also suggest other related keywords, helping you really explore all aspects of your niche.

There is no hard and fast rule here, but in general, you want the main search terms to have at least a few thousand searches per month. If there aren’t many people searching for your keywords, it will be difficult to come up with many blog post ideas that people are interested in.

8. Share Content on Social Media

Millions of people around the world use social media to share information and make connections. Social media allows you to reach a large audience and build your brand. Social media makes it easy for you to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends around the world. Find new friends and communities; connect with other people who have similar interests. How to boost your social media presence? Here I have mentioned in detail how to boost your social media marketing efforts. This should go without saying, but if you’re not sharing your blog posts on social media forums, start now! If you are new to blogging, make sure you have at least 5-7 posts published before you start promoting them so that once viewers see one post and like it (because your content is so important) they will want to read another one as well.

Share a snippet of it on Instagram and/or Facebook post additions and stories, letting people know they can click your profile link / swipe up to read more.

9. Write Quality Content

If you want to get the traffic growth rate you want on your new blog, you need to produce good content that will attract that traffic. You need to write high-quality, detailed, and useful content, even for low-competition keywords these days, especially on a new site. Your content must stand out from the crowd for its relevance, and most importantly, its completeness and completeness.

Once you are clear about who you want to attract, writing content will be much easier! Be sure to write about your area of ​​expertise in a reliable way so you can build authority and become your readers’ expert in that field. And write about something you love! You don’t want to stop blogging after a month or two just because you lost interest. Content is king, so it’s important to add writing time to your schedule and write regularly at least twice a week.

10. Optimized Your Website Speed

Website speed is playing a very important role for any business because all visitors want fast-loading content which saves time. Your visitors can’t wait for your blog to load. If your page doesn’t come up fast enough, they’ll hit the back button and move on to the next Google listing on your competitor. You need to test the speed of your website on a daily basis. You need to update your website images, delete unused plugins, choose a reliable service provider, and test the performance of your website. If your website is made with WordPress then you need to install a plugin that is compatible with your website. You need to choose a high-quality plugin. What is the best plugin to speed up your website? In my opinion, WP Rocket is the best plugin for speeding up your WordPress website. You can also check or try other plugins including LightSpeed ​​​​Cache, WP Super Cache, 10 Web Booster, WP-Optimized, and many others that are free and come highly recommended by companies many of the top WordPress.

Modern users spend about 3 or 4 hours a day on their tablets or mobile phones. Going mobile is a no-brainer for bloggers. If you don’t think your current blog is finished, consider checking out one of these great WordPress plugins that help you create a mobile-optimized version of your blog. So it’s your daily habit to maintain your website speed.