Silver Lead
Casa Amarosa
Henry's United
Grand Sierra
CWI Gifts
UTM Distributing
Oracle Trading
Sandy's Wholesale Shoes
  1. Watches wholesale suppliers, distributors, importers, and manufacturers Directory
  2. Inventory Adjusters

    Inventory Adjusters is the leading watch and jewelry liquidator for all major brand names since 1983. We have over ten thousand items in stock with over 100 different brand names. We also sell watches and jewelry at over 10 trade shows per year across the country. All of our products sold are guaranteed authentic.

    Address: 2806 N. 24th St. Phoenix, Arizona 85008

    Phone: 602-278-5966



    Akzan Wholesale

    Akzan wholesale is a manufacturer, an importer and a distributor of the hottest current fashion watches. Our factory in Dongguan, China has the capacity to easily produce millions of fashion watches annually. A minimum order of only $100.00. FREE ground continental shipping for orders of $250.00 or more Automatic 5% DISCOUNT for orders over $500.00. Automatic 10% DISCOUNT for orders over $1000.00

    Address: 1242 S Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015

    Phone: 213.746.8696



Silver Lead
Casa Amarosa
Henry's United
Grand Sierra
CWI Gifts
UTM Distributing
Oracle Trading
Sandy's Wholesale Shoes